WhyWork® Podcast | Professional adult content | Sponsored by ViVA health at work

S05-E14: You are my HRO

Season 05 Bonus Episode 14 Risk versus reward, reliability versus resilience: Trajce, Alan, and Sara explore these tensions. Trajce wants to talk about investigations and the sex industry, while Sara and Alan poke at Trajce’s sensitivities to Harvard Business Law style jargon. Alan, however, also wants to talk about sex trades with a throwback to Season … Read more

S05-E13: Wiggle it, Just a little bit

“We’ve got vibration, we’ve got noise, we’re getting jiggly here,” chimes Trajce. Trajce is on a roll, he can’t help himself, he continues with another song, “I see red, I see red, I see red,” he pipes. Sara describes the X, Y, Z axes of vibration measures. She tells a story about how she’s been attributed … Read more

S05-E12: Awww. Stay. Louder! The Big Bang

WARNING – This episode presents content on workplace fatalities – listener discretion is advised. With a word play on cosmetics branding, Trajce frames the scenario explained by Sara: A naturally curious 14 y/o, an electric display vehicle, a shopping centre, and the make up counter. “This is like a red bull, a caged beast,” Trajce … Read more

S05-E11: German Work

WARNING: This episode describes Anti-Semitic workplace behaviours. “Is ‘German work’ a standard of work?” Trajce asks, as he recounts a story on a manager who berates his Aussie teams, “’You’re F’n stupid!’ “ the manager tells his staff. Even mid employment dispute, this manager showed no contrition. “He believed that he was forced to speak … Read more

S05-E10: Stubble Stash and Mug Mats

To fit or not to fit? This episode discusses a WhyWork Podcast subscriber’s concern on managing the scenario when a bearded worker must wear a mask for their health protections at work. “Get better equipment,” is not the easiest mandate in this complex situation, says Count van Count, aka Trajce. He is expressive while displaying … Read more

S05-E09: A Prism Party and Colour Cascade

WARNING: This episode presents topics on workplace fatalities and suicide – Listener discretion is advised. Sara announces the publication of a new book of which she is a co-editor, “Healthcare Insights: The voice of the consumer, the practitioner, and the work design strategist.” “The intent,” she explains, “is to empathise and to understand situations from … Read more

S05-E08: Smooth Criminal: The sociology of industrial crime

WARNING: This episode discusses fatalities in the workplace. Listener discretion is advised. In this episode, Alan broaches the topic of industrial manslaughter by describing a case involving a forklift operation fatal incident in a stonemasonry company in New South Wales. This prompts Trajce to reflect on a case where a prosecuted employer ritualistically honoured the … Read more

S05-E07: We’ve gone Barney

Trajce raises the Barnaby Bother. It was a Boisterous Barnaby Bumble… Alan explains the alcohol-infused ‘Barnaby bumble’: It made national news, all around  Australia, and it was highly embarrassing to anyone involved. Trajce reminds the crew that Zahi Steggall, Member of Parliament New South Wales, SW MP, has implored, “We must do something about alcohol use … Read more

S05-E06: Doctor, doctor, give me a call

Anna Linning asks, “How are different organisations managing the phenomena of digital and instant communication modes in their business – Teams, social media, intranets, and the like?” “Doctor, doctor, give me a call,” Alan chimes, reflecting on Anna’s work in an Australian occupational medical practice.  The team debate the Fair Work Amendment Bill 2023 on … Read more

S05-E05: Shimmyin’ on the dance floor

WARNING: Suicide and sex are mentioned in this episode. The WhyWork crew debate the contest of being forthright in social relations. Trajce reveals a case of a young, drunken lawyer determined to approach a colleague on the dancefloor at a work party. The courts deemed his behaviour to be highly inappropriate and sexualised. This sounds … Read more

S05-E04: Office spirits: culture & controversy

Sara laments the damage to her little toe that got no roast beef, “… and it was on my birthday!” she punctuates the story. No, she hadn’t been drinking… The team debate the idea of drinking at work, particularly when it is distributed. Sara describes a case when a teacher concluded his remote video call with … Read more

S05-E03: Grab the Pilates socks – it’s our ‘right to disconnect’ time

“These lawyer boys are like Teflon,” Sara labels, “You see? There you go again– deflection! That is deflection number 02 this morning,” she accuses Alan. After discussing Alan’s adventures, soaring above the lush, grassy, green, open paddocks of Tasmania and Trajce’s newfound love of the Reformer and his Pilates socks, the team venture into workplace … Read more

S05-E01: Citizen Control

Season 05 Episode 01: Citizen Control. “Consultation – meh! Peh!” complains Sara, with disdain. “There is a lot of corporate hazing and gaslighting,” reflects Trajce. This episode was prompted by the presentation by Dr Elise Crawford of Central Queensland University. Elise spoke on her research of worker particpation in their work design during the Human … Read more