WhyWork® Podcast | Professional adult content | Sponsored by ViVA health at work

S1-E12 Why can’t we be friends?

Psychosocial wellbeing and design for diversity Season 01 Episode 12 challenges cultural approaches to conflict. The emotional experience is a reality, and we are emotional beings. In workplace law, Alan reminds us that workers might not realise that they are triggering emotional responses among workmates. Sensory processing is yet another facet of understanding the reality … Read more

S1-E11 I may not like you – but that’s OK

Interpersonal conflict at work In Season 01 Episode 11, Trajce and Alan probe perceptions among workers and the impacts on workers in toxic workplaces. Camera footage tells one story but cannot reveal worker vulnerabilities and perceptions that arise when toxicity has eroded interpersonal relationships. Trajce and Alan unpack the conflicts that can occur at work, … Read more

S1-E10 We pursue the end game

Workplace design for performance In Season 01 Episode 10, we pursue the end game of good work design. We suggest that workplaces build purchase, agency, and capability in work design throughout their organisation, propped by conventional designers and,  yes, the lawyers also to help predict and defend against safety-critical events. Sara prompts listeners to think … Read more

S1-E9 The robots are taking over

Technology at work A choodle or a poowawa? Hybrid dogs or hybrid work, it’s all up for laughs in Season 01 Episode 09! When we design good work it requires science, expertise, consultation, and engagement with subject matter experts, coupled with an inventive mind (which means a workplace that tolerances ‘fuzzy work’ where we can … Read more

S1-E8 Tired Workers are Deadly Weapons

Workplace fatigue Season 01 Episode 08 tells a tale of a tragic road rage story, the complexity of fatigue, shift work, and high performance versus coping. The over-productive worker and those who approach burn-out are examined. Fatigue can seem invisible, so how do we examine the symptoms when we work from anywhere? Ultimate, we ask: … Read more

S1-E7 Design when we Work-from-Anywhere

Mental health and working anywhere and everywhere Seaso 01 Episode 07 discusses health in the built environment, from the office space to the home space. The air that I breath and the water that I drink: how is this ensured in the home working environment? What about the potential risk of exposure to domestic violence? … Read more

S1-E6 Thrive and Survive

We explore how to connect, consult, and engage with workers Season 01 Episode 06 discusses candor at work and how to be real. We encourage employers to discuss the messy realities of work. Candor is a two-way street and effective pathways are needed to discuss ‘what’s what’ in a frank and open manner. We encourage … Read more

S1-E5 Kozarov and the Need for Purpose

When work exposes you to the dark side of life Season 01 Episode 05 challenges listeners to think about highly confronting scenarios. We caution that the episode discusses suicide and exposure to horrific scenarios, like child pornography and abuse. This is addressed because this is a reality of work for many people, including those who … Read more

S1-E4 Stilettos, Rock Concerts and Tales of the Unexpected

Voluntary acceptance of risk at work Season 01 Episode 04 explores voluntarily acceptances of risk. Does your employer specify, “Don’t have rigorous sex while travelling for work?”, or “Please do not wear stilettos else risk a fall”. Are we alert or should we be alarmed? From work parties, travel, to rock concerts, this discussion challenges … Read more

S1-E3 Pets ‘n’ Airfryers

There are fleas all over it Season 01 Episode 03 examines the work-from-home phenomenon and the ambiguity around what is permissible for home luxuries and work requirements. “There are fleas all over it”, says Alan, when considering what to do with the dog at home, the boundaries of work and home life, and the freedoms … Read more

S1-E2 Avatars, Bees and Sex

Wildlife at the workplace and wild experiences like when mishaps occur with sex during work travel Season 01 Episode 02 stirs up the hornet’s nest and discusses the busy, busy, bee-siness of work travel, sex, bee stings (unrelated), and the avatars that we choose to represent ourselves in our workplace chat rooms. Injuries can occur … Read more

S1-E1 Bubbles of Trouble

When a workplace Christmas party gets a little slippery Season 01 Episode 01 invites listeners to consider what happens when a celebration like a Christmas party or social gathering goes seriously wrong. There can be blurred lines, drinking, nudity, giggles, and the assumptions that everyone in the team wants to party in the same way … Read more