WhyWork® Podcast | Professional adult content | Sponsored by ViVA health at work

S05-E02: More than paper airplanes: The projectiles impacting our teachers

“I have injury statistics on teachers,” invites Sara, “Tell me how is it that they are struck by flying objects? Hit by projectiles!” That question leads to confessions by the boys as they recall their school days. Sara remembers her Italian language teacher who used to throw chalk at students. “It’s the reverse now!” exclaims Trajce. “It’s another version of ‘Duck & Cover, Go Low!’”

Sara challenges the team to consider the enduring impact of design, starting with the environment for a lasting effect on those using the space; positively, if well designed. Alan connects with this idea. Trajce links the teaching woes to past discussions on the stressors faced by teachers, explored in S02 E13: An upstanding citizen with salmon in his pocket. The team can’t help but travel south in their conversation, recalling the story of a teacher caught on film, after hours, in the most inconvenient way.