WhyWork® Podcast | Professional adult content | Sponsored by ViVA health at work

S3-E2: WhyWHAT? Reflections: Disassociated from reality

Season 03 Episode 02 reflects on vicarious trauma in the workplace. Alan recaps on mental health first aid programming and the boundaries around that service scope requiring effective referrals to qualified and trained healthcare professionals. When the crew consider their work from home ideals, Sara dreams of her backyard spa, sauna, and wet kitchen for more outdoor living. Trajce lowers the bar and dreams of a damn good coffee machine, scratch that, he reverts to an ‘all-you-can-eat’ buffet. Alan agrees with Sara’s position on considering fatigue in the workplace. “I love being right!” Sara says through the giggles.

This reflection recounts ideas discussed in Season 01 Episode 05: Kozarov and the need for purpose, and Season 02 Episode 13: An upstanding citizen with salmon in his pocket.