WhyWork® Podcast | Professional adult content | Sponsored by ViVA health at work

S06-02: An uppy or downy

WARNING: This episode discusses the fatality of a child.

“Are you an ‘Uppy’ or a ‘Downy’?” asks Alan.

“We have reached the lowest watermark on the show here,” says Trajce

Alan is entertained by Sara’s social media post about universal design and toileting facilities. The boys debate their approach to this common apparatus. “It raises many philosophical issues. The mixed group of users, the approaches…. It’s a very intimate topic. It makes you think about everyone’s wants and needs,” ponders Alan.

“Exactly!” Exclaims Sara “Design shapes behaviours.”

“Are we living for design or are we designed for living?” queries Trajce. “There is not one part of life that does not intersect with design,” philosophises Trajce. “THaNk YOU,” says Sara, feeling ingratiated.

Sara reminisces on one of several highlights of her trip to Japan – her experiences using the ToTo toilet with its music and heated seat features. “The ‘Warmy’!” she announces. 

Alan introduces the idea of prosecution of designers. Trajce pontificates on causational chains of responsibilities. Sara recalls a media-reported incident of a badminton racquet malfunction and splintering that allegedly caused the fatality of a child. She advocates for human factors approaches when integrating technologies in work systems.