WhyWork® Podcast | Professional adult content | Sponsored by ViVA health at work

S05-E13: Wiggle it, Just a little bit

“We’ve got vibration, we’ve got noise, we’re getting jiggly here,” chimes Trajce. Trajce is on a roll, he can’t help himself, he continues with another song, “I see red, I see red, I see red,” he pipes. Sara describes the X, Y, Z axes of vibration measures. She tells a story about how she’s been attributed a certain type of ass-jiggling nick name.

Alan live-records his demonstration of simulating tractor operations while testing the Whole Body Vibration mobile phone application developed by @Professor Robin Burgess Limerick of @University of Queensland Sustainable Minerals Institute. Additionally, the crew recognise @Margarita Mandic of the Sunshine Coast in this episode. Trajce tries to sneak away with whole body vibration testing homework until Alan threatens to grab his arse. Trajce’s live-recording demonstration proves that he tests with red-hot injury risk.