WhyWork® Podcast | Professional adult content | Sponsored by ViVA health at work

S05-E12: Awww. Stay. Louder! The Big Bang

WARNING – This episode presents content on workplace fatalities – listener discretion is advised.

With a word play on cosmetics branding, Trajce frames the scenario explained by Sara: A naturally curious 14 y/o, an electric display vehicle, a shopping centre, and the make up counter. “This is like a red bull, a caged beast,” Trajce makes the analogy, “An ‘Awww. Stay. Louder!’“ moment, much to Alan’s pained laughter.

“No monkeying about,” leads Alan, as Sara describes another news story about work in the zoo when a zoo keeper gets caught inside the enclosure of a silver back gorilla, Elmo. Sara talks about communication and human-information processing using visual storyboarding to improve work practice, a design strategy that differs from convention risk and compliance measures.