WhyWork® Podcast | Professional adult content | Sponsored by ViVA health at work

Promotions to celebrate launch

It is official – we have LAUNCHED! Subscribe now and download your @WhyWork Podcast

We have some promotions to get you excited.


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Every 25th person to subscribe to the WhyWork Newsletter until the 100th will receive a FREE sensory profile assessment to learn more about how to create sensational workplaces, sensational living, and get the most out of your performance!

What is “sensational living”? In a sensory world, we must process how the nervous system receives, interprets, and responds to sensory information from the environment, including sight, sound, touch, taste, and smell. A sensory profile assessment typically involves a combination of standardized tests, questionnaires, and observational measures to gather information about an individual’s sensory processing patterns, including their sensitivity to sensory input, their ability to filter irrelevant sensory information, and their overall sensory threshold (We offer access to an online assessment for the purposes of this promotion followed by a 1:1 remote video call meeting to explain the findings).

The results of a sensory profile can be used to design for human performance: the environment, the job design, leadership strategies, sporting endeavours, and personal health behaviours. Be one of the lucky 25th podcast website newsletter subscribers and receive a complementary assessment and follow-up video call with one of the team members at ViVA health at work, sponsor of the WhyWork Podcast.

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Tell us who you are and we’ll sign you up so that you can be among the first to receive the gossip and the edge on the confronting but very real realities of work!


WhyWork Workshops – Are you ready to host a podcast strategy session, unpack case law, and reconstruct the design of work in novel, inventive, and defensible ways? We will offer WhyWork Workshops in your organisations or for the business members of local government and chambers of commerce to help you redesign the world of work, realise business objectives, and pioneer human performance like never before. These are highly interactive facilitated workshops in which you get to be a star and a strategist. The first organisation to reach out for a customised quote and confirm a service order will receive a 30% off equivalent published rates for the workshop. Contact us NOW for your WhyWork Workshop experience and ready yourself for transformative thinking and design-led strategy.