WhyWork® Podcast | Professional adult content | Sponsored by ViVA health at work

WhyNOT? A Wisdom Shot: Energise me, baby

WhyNOT? A Wisdom Shot: Bonus: Sara expounds on the expansive idea of design to energise at work versus design that focuses solely on fatigue management. She encourages organisations and decision makers to shift their narrow focus on the industrial management of shift work to a broad perspective on what motivates a workforce and what drains … Read more

WhyNOT? A Wisdom Shot: For the thrill of it

WhyNOT? A Wisdom Shot: “There is an element of risk because that is what people of chasing,” Alan reflects when considering the way that the courts are confronted by applying conventional law to the design of sport and recreation when it crosses over to the workplace. “We do it for the thrill of it,” agrees … Read more

WhyNOT? A Wisdom Shot: Care for our carers

BONUS: WhyNOT care for our nurses when they constitute the caring profession to support our communities? “We must evaluate the needs of our frontline workers,” urges Trajce. This is a bonus track to complement Season 03 Episode 04: Nurses – the heartbeat of healthcare. WhyNOT? A Wisdom Shot: Care for our carers | RSS.com

WhyNOT? A Wisdom Shot: Power, sexual coercion, and primal needs

BONUS: WhyNOT? A Wisdom Shot: “Our primal urges matter,” Trajce agitates. Sex happens, and it happens among those in a working relationship. “We must expect the unexpected,” Alan warns. We are reminded about these power relations in Season 3 Episode 09: A pervasive culture of masculinity. WhyNOT? A Wisdom Shot: Power, sexual coercion, and primal … Read more

WhyNOT? A Wisdom Shot:
R-E-S-P-E-C-T Show a little respect

In this WhyNOT kernel of wisdom, Alan reminds us that no matter our level of agreement with our colleagues, showing a little respect maintains the harmony and provides a more supportive workplace in which people can tolerate diverse ideas. Season 03 Episode 01: Do not carve another man’s turkey, Season 02 Episode 09: Quid pro … Read more

WhyNOT? A Wisdom Shot: Work from home, duck, and go low

Do you have a fire extinguisher and fire blanket at home?” Sara asks. “I do indeed!” exclaims Trajce, while he elaborates on his family’s home fire drills. Alan remarks that it all can seem incredulous, yet makes sense if we are in a working landscape of distributed work and the safety provisions must be adhered … Read more