WhyWork® Podcast | Professional adult content | Sponsored by ViVA health at work

S06-02: An uppy or downy

WARNING: This episode discusses the fatality of a child. “Are you an ‘Uppy’ or a ‘Downy’?” asks Alan. “We have reached the lowest watermark on the show here,” says Trajce Alan is entertained by Sara’s social media post about universal design and toileting facilities. The boys debate their approach to this common apparatus. “It raises many … Read more

S06-E01: Good Design Strategy in Mining: Section 22 – Don’t overcook the chook

WARNING: This episode discusses workplace fatalities and complex injuries Season 06 Episode 01 is a special release extended episode, recorded live on stage at the Mechanical Engineering Safety Seminar 2024 sponsored by the New South Wales Resources Regulator (NSW MESS 2024). The WhyWork Podcast rabble rousers, Alan Girle, Trajce Cvetkovski, and Sara Pazell wrestle with … Read more